Here's another piece I didn't have room to put up the other day...somewhere between something celtic and something south american....haven't decided...;)
the concept begins anew... here's a couple quick concept layouts i did for a pitch of a few eras I hope to cover in my film about the history of music and dance. enjoi.
Here's some new stuff...I think I'm going to try and draw a character a day to post up's the first two installments, and a piece that I finished the other night. Let me know what you think!
So, this will be a smaller counterpart to my actual website, ledpoison. The idea is to put concept for my upcoming film, and move most of the scraps and sketches to the blog for poops and giggles.... hope you enjoy! I'm currently a student in Sheridan College Animation, and this first piece is a quick concept piece for my thesis film, The Beat Goes On, that I did with digital camera and overlays in photoshop...