Saturday, July 24, 2010

Car crash inspirado

So after getting smoked by a car last night while longboarding to meet a friend downtown, I found the time to take a quick photo of this portrait of Thom Yorke of Radiohead I've been tooling around with. I seem to have come away unscathed (luckily I rolled up over his hood into the windshield like in a buddy-cop movie), and will likely have a spurt of creative energy knowing I rolled away as such and should be incredibly grateful. Also, check out the bands the Local Natives and Karen Elson! Fantastic stuff (not to mention beautiful album artwork.)


Dave Murray said...

this is crazy - i got hit by a car earlier this month, and another friend of mine got hit by a car the other day.


Trish Odorico said...

So strange that you posted that Karen Elsen cover... I picked that up last week and said "This is the coolest album cover I have ever seen..." TRUE STORY.

Also, you got hit by a car?? Whaaaat?

Also also, Thom Yorke looks badass.

Unknown said...

Dave, are you ok?! I just got hit crossing an intersection on my skateboard at like midnight. Luckily i absorbed most of the impact with my drawing arm...yeah the karen elson art is just gorgeous. I'd like to find it on vinyl.